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Embrace The Idea That Your Current Job Is Temporary

Embrace The Idea That Your Current Job Is Temporary

Welcome to another edition of my Weekly Journal! I use this space to share about my journey from lawyer to jewelry business owner. In this week's journal entry, I'm talking about this big, amazing shift I see in people who want to start their own business and consciously embrace the idea that their current job and career are temporary. Let's dive in because this is a good one and might really serve you in your day-to-day life moving forward.

Let's face it, most people (not all) want to start their own business because they don't like something about their current job situation. So they complain and complain about their current job, and while they might have a really well thought out business idea, they are scared to take the leap. Does that sound like you? It was me for a while. But there can be this big, huge shift that happens when you embrace the idea that your current job is merely temporary. That it's a means to an end. That it can actually "fund" your business idea. This shift is so powerful because it takes you from this place of complaining and moves you into this place of gratitude. All of a sudden, you can appreciate your job because you can use some of your paycheck to fund your new business expenses. And you know what else happens? You will probably stop taking your job so seriously because you realize it's temporary. Sure, you'll still show up every day and do your best, but you realize you won't be there forever and that provides a wonderful sense of freedom. You don't get so hung up on all the office politics. You almost emotionally disassociate from all the office drama.

Doing this frees up so much mental and emotional energy and space. I often hear a certain complaint from aspiring entrepreneurs and it's this: "I work a lot so I have no time to work on my business idea or make it a side hustle." Believe me, I can identify. When I was a lawyer, I barely had the energy to walk my dog after work let alone work on a business idea in front of my computer. But when you embrace the idea that it's all temporary, a lot of mental and emotional energy frees up. It's amazing! And you might find you have enough energy to work on your business plan for an hour after work.

So if you're stuck in a job or career you don't like and you want to start your own business, try embracing the idea that your current situation is temporary. At first, you might have to repeat that phrase to yourself under your breath all day long - "This is only temporary. This is only temporary. This is only temporary." But after a few weeks, you might notice that you really begin to believe it. You might notice that you don't feel as drained. You might notice that you do have the energy to work on a business idea after work, even if it's only for 30 minutes in the beginning. You may notice that you have more mental space to think about your business idea because that space is no longer occupied by office politics and office drama. Give it a try! I bet you'll notice some, or all, of these things.  

I hope you're able to learn something valuable from my own journey and experiences. My wish is for everyone to know the feeling of doing work that brings them joy. It truly is an unbelievable gift to not dread Mondays and hope for Friday's fast arrival. If you'd like my Weekly Journal sent straight to your inbox every week, click here to subscribe. 

P.S. Are you on Pinterest? I'm in the process of creating a Weekly Journal board on Pinterest so you can easily navigate all of my journal entries. You can view and follow the board by clicking here. I've written so much about quitting my lawyer job to start g+h over the past couple years and I want to make it easier for you to access and read the entries that resonate most!



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